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(6 reviews)


Get access to videos, and direct mentoring on social media marketing as well as access to our CRM. Start selling SMMA Services with us now!

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Resource Library Access
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Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(6 reviews)
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14d ago
SMMedia offers the best teaching of sales on this platform. They taught me how to close clients A To Z with offering me the best prices to resell social media services.
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1 month ago
This the best group/ community they helped me achieve my dreams now we living lavish
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4 months ago
Sean and the team are efficient and get the jobs done professionally.
What is your refund policy?
SM MEDIA LLC offers NO refunds of purchase. Gaining access to SM MEDIA unlocks valuable IP that once accessed is non-refundable - in exceptional circumstances partial / full refunds may be given. Your membership can be cancelled at any time by going to https://whop.com/orders for free.
What is the SM Media Discord subscription?
The SM Media Discord subscription is a monthly service that provides exclusive access to a community of marketing professionals. Subscribers can network, share insights, sell and purchase marketing services, and access a range of resources tailored to enhance marketing skills and services.
How much does the monthly subscription cost?
The cost of the monthly subscription is $59.99. It is billed on a monthly basis and you can cancel at any time. Payment details and options will be provided upon registration.
Can I cancel my SM Media Discord subscription, and how?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. To cancel, please visit the 'Settings' page within Whop or contact our support team directly through the designated channel for assistance with cancellation.
What if I need help or support with my subscription?
If you require assistance with your subscription, our support team is available 24/7 on the Discord server. You can also reach out through our official support email or via the support channel on the server.
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Students • Other

6 reviews

Designed by Sean Mourey, We are a team curated of marketing strategists who specialize in effectively directing top-quality traffic to your project. Our passion and experience in marketing makes SM Media one of the most attractive marketing agencies.

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